Approachable and Inviting CMF
Softer, warmer, more approachable colors and finishes
Copper Refined
Matte Finishes
Wood details / finishes and natural eco-friendly materials
Pastels and Softer Colors
Novel Approaches to Traditional Methods
All-In-one devices
All-Clad Prep and Cook - combines mixing, chopping, cooking, steaming into one device
Chicago Cutlery - Sandwich knife - combines all the functions for perfect sandwich making into one knife
health focused food prep
Vacuum Blender for better smoothies and juices
Air Fryers for healthier cooking
Craft Experience and artisanal movement
Manual Coffee and Cold Brew
Cozzolino Studio at the Show
Primula Cold Brew - Red Dot Award Winner
Polder Nail Station - Global Innovation Awards Finalist
Polder Shower Caddy
Polder Style and Store
Nambe Forte
Homz Laundry Solutions
Zero Water Pitcher
Mr. Coffee